PenBrandt's Pennington family site
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About Me

Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

Hello.....My name is Monty, I am 43 years old, an outdoorsman and handy-man by nature (thanks to my Father,who taught me more than I ever realized), a photographer very frequently, a farmer sometimes, a gardner to unwind, a restorer and designer of antique lighting fixtures, and a Father always.

I am....and consider myself a woodsman, in the "old" sense of the word. I was taught to stalk and track and to identify all local trees and plants and mimic several bird calls,along with an appreciation for the "healing powers" of fishing at a young age by my father. I am an avid collector of american indian artifacts and also artifacts from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars and enjoy the history of either subject.

I went to school in central Kentucky, graduating high school in 1975 with distinction. Went to work my Junior year part-time. Since then I have worked as a farmer, a printer, salesman, carpenter, factory worker, photographer, and and investor in small houses. I now have a Lamp Repair shop, a photography business, and a antique web sales business. Taking Drafting and four years of
math has always been an asset to me, and I did go back for two years of college.

I was married on June 7th 1980 and divorced in 1991. I have two sons who you will see a lot of on this web. I developed an interest in photography sometime during the first years of my marriage.  Then after I was divorced about a year I became interested even more and I bought out a studio in a nearby town only to find out that the equipment that I bought was not at all - all that I would need. So having made this investment I fell into learning my trade...reading everything that I could get my hands on about photography and trying out everything that I read.

NOBODY told me that everyone would have a computer in their home in the year 2000 and that I would not be able to run a business without one or that they would invent digital camera's and programs like Adobe Photoshop and Pagemaker that I would also have to learn to use to do my own publishing and digital imaging.

I owned and ran PenBrandt Photography for 14 years. years later....I am still taking pictures and still learning something new every day.....I have slowed down a lot now.... although I still take a lot of photos, I apply it to other interest that I have in Prehistoric Artfacts.

Favorite Stuff:
Sitting beside Waterfalls
Wooded Paths
Campfires outdoors
Grilling out
Shooting the "Whitewater"
E-bay Auctions

A poem from my Great-
Grandmothers bible;
author unknown.....

Life is a book, in volumes three;
The Past, The Present, and the Yet-to-be;
The First is gone and laid away;
The Second we're living day-by-day;
The Third and last, Volume Three;
is locked from sight, God holds the key.

Click on the Logo to go to the AFACA web

Co-organizer of the Appalachian Foothills Artifact Collectors Association.  A Great Organization for those involved in Prehistoric Artifact Collecting that is devoted to education in Lithics, Typology, & Authenticity.

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau